Sherry had a rather embarrassing problem: she couldn’t have a normal bowel movement. She knew something was wrong because her hair was falling out, too. Long a believer in the energies that are part of us all, she was instantly attracted to Robert Harrison and his frequency-containing elixirs and other supplements. After discovering that Candida was part of her problem, she tried CandElim. Hear in her own words how she now feels in this short audio clip.
Full Testimonial Transcript
Dr. Sharon Livingston: I got your information from Robert Harrison and I was interested in talking to you and getting feedback on, I think it’s the Candida relief product that you tried?
Sherry: Right.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: So yes, I would love to hear all about that.
Sherry: Well as you know I had it and it was causing me not to have bowel movements.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Wow.
Sherry: And I think I was on it for 2 months.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: So before you tell me that part, how did you come to Robert’s site? How did you find that?
Sherry: I am into healthy stuff and I just looked up on the Internet and I got reading his stuff and I was impressed. Then I muscle test. You can muscle test to calibrate to see what is truth and what is not and he showed very high. So I said, “I am going to try it” and I did. My sister passed and I wanted him to work on me because of the simple fact that I had been under so much stress for her because I was caring for her.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Sure.
Sherry: I knew I had some problems but my mind was so messed up and he said one of your problems is Candida toxins and I said “ok, let’s get rid of it.” So he got me on the product.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Which one was it?
Sherry: Oh goodness let me see if I have the bottle, I don’t remember if I kept them, I like his elixirs you know.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: The elixirs?
Sherry: Yes, I love those.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: What do you like about his elixirs?
Sherry: Because there are frequencies and I believe in frequencies 100%, the energy, you know, because I do a lot of energy work and so I really believe in that part. But the bottle that I was taking (I am going to spell it for you so you have the correct it) is Candelim.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Candelim.
Sherry: Yeah and I used that. I used that for 2 months, actually 3 months, but 2 months it was gone and then the last month was to make sure we just got everything; none was hiding anywhere that we missed.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Wow, and so what did you notice changed?
Sherry: I was able to have bowel movements.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Wow, so that was the biggest deal for you, the biggest symptom was that you couldn’t go?
Sherry: Yeah and I had problems with my hair.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: What was happening?
Sherry: Oh it was falling out. I was a mess; so much stress has been this year.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: I could imagine, my goodness.
And what have you said, I am kind of curious of how you would describe it, describe what he does, what his site is, how would you describe to other people?
Sherry: What I also do is I took my products that I bought from Robert to my mentor, the lady that got me going on all of this stuff years ago (I always take things to her and have her double check).
Dr. Sharon Livingston: How does she test?
Sherry: She muscle tests.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: So she does applied kinesiology?
Sherry: Uh huh.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: Got it, ok.
Sherry: And she is very impressed with his product.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: What did she say about it?
Sherry: That it tests very high.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: So tell me what you think of Robert himself, had you actually had any interactions with him?
Sherry: Well I have talked to him many times on the phone.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: How would you describe him?
Sherry: Very gentleman, a kind man. I think he has got a good soul. He is not arrogant and I really like that in him because a lot of people get quite arrogant and don’t like to listen to other people. You ever notice that people know they got something good and they just are kind of arrogant about the whole thing and you don’t really listen?
Dr. Sharon Livingston: And so you took the Candelim for 2 months and then you took another month just to make sure?
Sherry: Yes, just consider it maybe maintenance; it was 3 months that I took it.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: All together?
Sherry: Uh huh, 2 months cleaned it up pretty much but you know he was impressed on that.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: And then what happened with your hair?
Sherry: It’s not coming out like it was.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: That is great.
Sherry: It is doing pretty good; you can feel your little knots coming back.
Dr. Sharon Livingston: That is great. So anything else you would like to mention or tell me about your experience with the products, with the website, with Robert?
Sherry: Are you planning on using his product?
Dr. Sharon Livingston: After hearing these yes as a matter of fact I just ordered Candelim myself.
Sherry: Oh did you? Oh I think you will be impressed with that. I was.
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