Our most powerful candida fighting combo, the CandElim Full Candida Elimination Combo supplies at a discount 2 bottles of CandElim — a strong candida killer that also deals with spores. Because candida toxins cause the symptoms you experience, you also get 2 bottles of Toxin Elimination Elixir. This gradually sends all the candida toxins stored up in cells out of the body. Finally, you get 2 bottles of Oxy Life Force Elixir to increase oxygenation. This helps kill candida and other pathogens, and remove toxins. Better still, oxygen also stimulates repair and regeneration in the body and gives you more energy.
In addition you get 1 bottle of GI Pro to speed up healing of leaky gut, 1 bottle of TotalFlora15 to replenish the intestinal flora (one of the few probiotics that can effectively fight candida), and 1 container of CandiClear5, which uses fossilized marine phytoplankton to shred candida and parasites and contains many candida-fighting herbs that support cell energy production and detoxification. Start out by using these at a low dose. Gradually work up to the full monthly dose. This combo saves you almost $60 off of retail pricing.
This combo could last 2 months or more at first depending on how fast you can increase doses. Let your body tell you how much it can handle. If it feels like it is too much, cut back and take it more slowly. Use this combo at the full dose for at least another 4 months. After that you can switch to the CandElim Basic Repair Combo and with it, reduce the dosage to 1 bottle a month. By doing so the combo will last two months. Stay on this until you have been attacking to candida for at least a year. If you stop before a year is up, spores remaining in the body will bloom, candida deep in the body in hiding may come out, and your candida will overgrow again.
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