To understand why getting rid of candida can be so much harder than knocking out a bacterial infection, you need to know how candida yeast overgrowth manifests in your body.
About 80% of the time, candida yeast infections occur when medicines, primarily antibiotics — but including birth control pills and other drugs — kill the friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract. Approximately 10% of the time candida overgrowth is caused by long term exposure to candida and its spores from your family or spouse. It can be transmitted orally through food sharing, kissing, or similar activities, and candida spores can be breathed in.
About 10% of candida overgrowth cases happen when babies pick it up from their mothers when they are born. At birth babies have no immune system and little to no friendly bacteria, so exposure to candida from their mother always results in overgrowth. The good news is that you will find the process of fighting candida much easier when adding our supplements to your regimen.
The bad news is that candida overgrowth has grown to epidemic proportions after several generations of antibiotic use — leading to a large increase in the amount of mothers with candida infecting their children at birth. This combined with the ever increasing amount of vaccines being given infants, may be fueling the epidemic of autism that our children are suffering. Read more about this at health-reports.com/autism/html.
When much of your friendly flora have been destroyed, and your immune system has weakened, the oxygen-loving candida yeast begin to flourish, morphing into anaerobic candida fungi. No longer needing an oxygen-rich blood supply, the fungi are able to exist anywhere in the body.
Initially, candida fungi are overgrown in the intestinal tract. There, the toxic waste they chemically produce (acetylaldahyde, the same chemical that causes a hangover), irritates and weakens the intestinal wall. Candida fungi have tiny “legs” which, as the intestinal wall becomes damaged, are able to “drill” holes in the intestinal wall, leading to poor digestion and “leaky gut syndrome”.
These holes enable candida to travel throughout the body, over time establishing themselves systemically. They can colonize organs, your brain, or any place that may have a weakened environment making it an easy target to colonize. Depending on where these weaknesses are, candida produces different symptoms as it colonizes different areas in each person..
As they don’t need oxygen, they can move out of the circulation system to spots where the immune system, herbs and other candida killers cannot get to. This protects them from candida killers which may reduce candida overgrowth in spots with good circulation — and enable candida to spread back into those spots once you stop the candida killing program.
It’s The Environment Inside Your Body That Must Be Brought Back To Health
The toxins candida produce cause your body to become more acidic. This results in poor oxygenation. The immune system becomes weaker as it fights an ongoing and losing battle against candida overgrowth. Plus it is also responsible for helping to eliminate toxins, so becomes overworked in yet another way.
The candida have created an environment in the body that ensures their survival. It doesn’t help that the typical foods we eat create this same, too acidic environment, with low oxygenation. And feed candida to boot. Or that all the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to do the same. They may not feed the candida, but they create a candida favorable environment.
So it doesn’t usually do much good when you take a candida killer, or a bunch of them. Or even probiotics. Unless you are also working to repair the environment, to get the immune system working better. Those herbs or drugs kill a bunch of candida, but don’t change the environment, and the remaining candida, the ones hiding out — out of circulation and the oxygenation zones in your body — grow back into the same spots where the candida had been killed.
The relief to the immune system when a bunch of candida have been killed may be enough to keep the candida in check for some time. Maybe not. But even if it is, down the road it will weaken from its constant battle against candida. And your candida symptoms show up again, and will be harder to get rid of the second or third time around.
You’ve got to be working on the overall environment, supporting the immune system so that it can stay on top of the candida, you need to be dealing with the candida in those hard to get at spots, and you need to be dealing with candida spores so that they don’t bloom again when the time is right.
Candida Can Cause Leaky Gut Syndrome Which May Lead To Food Allergies
The leaky gut caused by the candida fungus as they start their journey throughout your body, allows partially digested food to enter the bloodstream. before it is supposed to. This food is not able to be used by your cells, so your immune system must get rid of that food. Over time, this causes the development of food allergies, as your immune system begins to over-respond to those foods in an inflammatory response. Food allergies are a sure sign of having a leaky gut, and thus, of candida overgrowth.
Folks with serious, long term candida overgrowth may be allergic to most foods.
As the immune system becomes more and more out of balance and sensitive, it starts to respond to many other chemicals with an allergic response, and multiple chemical sensitivities develop. That’s when you find it hard to leave the house because everything effects you, or so it seems.
Chronic Candida Overgrowth Have Been Linked to
Adrenal Fatigue and Low Thyroid Function
Candida yeast loves sugar, excreting chemicals that cause you to crave sugars and all types of carbohydrates. Of course, as the yeast digests the food sugars before your body can use them, your cravings can also be caused by low blood sugar levels.
During the nighttime, when you are fasting, the candida have plenty of time to be consuming your blood sugar. To compensate for this lack of sugar, your adrenals have to work extra hard, eventually leading to adrenal fatigue. (The acetylaldahyde candida produce also causes fatigue.)
The thyroid gland is linked with the adrenal glands. As the adrenal glands wear down, the thyroid gland also starts to perform poorly, leading to decreased temperature regulation and low metabolism.